Rivista di Diritto SportivoISSN 0048-8372 / EISSN 2784-9856
G. Giappichelli Editore
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Il codice di giustizia del CONI tra omogeneizzazione procedurale e autonomia federale

With the Justice Code, the CONI has developed for the first time an organic framework of the sports judicial procedure. The goal was to develop a unique Code of Sports Justice valid for all the federations and able to give definitive effect to the Decree Pescante, which prescribes the CONI to establish "criteria and procedures for the implementation of controls on the federations' and to adapt ...
di Leonardo Ferrara, Professore Ordinario di Diritto amministrativo nell’Università di Firenze. Federico Orso, Dottorando di ricerca in Scienze giuridiche – curriculum Diritto Pubblico nell’Università di Firenze.

Sui principi del processo sportivo (riflessioni a margine dell´art. 2 del codice di giustizia sportiva)

This paper focuses on Art. 2 of the Code of Sports Justice of CONI and the relation it implies with the principles and general rules of civil procedure: the fair trial and its attempt to coordinate the sources and procedure models; the search for a balance between security and effectiveness. In case of gaps, principles can offer remedy to uncertainty, allowing the part not only to predict the ...
di Andrea Panzarola, Andrea Panzarola, professore ordinario di diritto processuale civile nella Università LUM di Bari (Casamassima).

Quel che resta dell´arbitrato sportivo (dopo il nuovo codice della giustizia sportiva 2014)

This article examines the role of arbitration in sport disputes, after the CONI’s new code of justice. Due to the creation of the new Court «Collegio di garanzia», which acts as a Supreme court against the decisions of sport judges, arbitration seems to have disappeared. It remains in labor disputes. Notwithstanding, the statutes of some national federations continue to provide ...
di Elena Zucconi Galli Fonseca, Ordinario dell’Università di Bologna.

La rinnovata autonomia della giustizia sportiva all´indomani del nuovo codice. Un commento all´art. 4 del codice di giustizia sportiva

This work is a comment to article 4 of the Code of Sports Justice about the renewed autonomy of the judiciary organs. Through this process of reorganization and homogenization of the sports justice system, in the wake of the civil law models, sports law seems to strongly reaffirm its own specialty, completeness and complexity. The evolution in the sense of autonomy of the sports system is ...
di Sergio Fidanzia e Giorgia Sangiuolo, Avvocati amministrativisti.

Su autonomia e indipendenza dei «nuovi» organi di giustizia

This paper explores the autonomy and independence of the new bodies of justice, as a result of the recent reform approved by the CONI. Strictly speaking, the character of autonomy should follow the internal structure of the legal system and define itself in the allocation of the power of judicial administration to the same bodies of justice or to different officials from those who exercise the ...
di Massimo Proto, Professore associato di Diritto Privato nell’Università degli Studi di Parma.

Nomina dei giudici sportivi e federali. Terzietà, autonomia ed indipendenza

This article, according to the new Code of Sports Justice, focuses on the new balance between the informal character of sport justice procedures and the respect of sports judges impartiality and independence. While in the past assessment on such principles was made in a rather strict way, the new discipline seems to ensure higher care and consistency. However, the author points some critical ...
di Aniello Merone, Ricercatore di Diritto processuale civile presso l’Università Europea di Roma.

Il collegio di garanzia dello sport: competenze e procedimenti. Note a prima lettura

This article focuses on the Council of Sports Guarantee considering its role and procedure. First, there is a study of the competences distinguishing them in ordinary, special and transitory ones. Second, the author analyses the role of the Council as a superior Court deciding only on points of law (as the Italian Supreme Court) and the procedural rules (including litigation ones). Then, the ...
di Marco Farina, Avvocato, dottore di ricerca nell’Università degli Studi di Roma Sapienza.

Il codice mondiale anti-doping 2015

The World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) is the backbone of the world-wide fight against doping in sports. The WADC seeks to harmonize and coordinate the fight against doping between the international stakeholders. The 2015 edition of the Code – the third revision after 2003 and 2007 – was adopted in November 2013 in Johannesburg, South Africa following the World Anti-Doping conference. The ...
di Ulrich Haas, Professore ordinario nell’Università di Zurigo. Daniele Boccucci, Avvocato in Roma.

La giurisdizione statale e quella sportiva: Il sistema di riparto alla luce della sentenza del consiglio di stato n. 3958/2014

The author studies the decision of “Consiglio di Stato” n. 3958/2014 in order to evaluate the division of roles between ordinary jurisdiction and sports jurisdiction. There is the need to balance two different views: on the one hand, the autonomy of sports system and, on the other one, the role of the state law. This approach is developed through the case-study with the relative ...
di Alessio Bonafine, Dottore di ricerca nell’Università degli Studi Europea di Roma – Avvocato.

Calcio professionistico e discriminazioni fondate sulle tendenze sessuali

In the context of EU law the special nature of sport (the so-called specificity of sport) represents one of the most complex and debated issue. It is common opinion that sport is “special” and therefore must be treated differently from any other activity; however any debate on the specificity of sport has to deal with the basic problem represented by the lack of a ...
di Stefano Bastianon, Professore associato di Diritto dell’Unione europea, Università degli Studi di Bergamo.

L´obbligo di comunicazione di avvio del procedimento in caso di d.a.spo.

The Decree Law n. 119/2014, subsequently converted into Law n. 146/2014, has reshaped the discipline regarding access denials to sporting venues (the so-called d.a.spo.), under the intention of repressing violence when sporting events occur. Having identified the most important innovations introduced by the Decree and having elucidated the main aspects of the restrictive order taken into ...
di Giordana Strazza, Dottoranda di ricerca nell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre.

CONI e federazioni sportive nel dibattito politico-parlamentare del secondo dopoguerra

This paper analyses the relationship between sports and politics in Italy, focusing attention on the strong ideological and cultural obstacles that have often prevented political leaders to fully understand the importance of physical activity. The reasons for the reluctance is shown throughout the history of republican parties to intervene, except in a limited cases or merely for reasons of ...
di Enrico Landoni, Professore Associato di storia contemporanea presso la facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università degli Studi e Campus.

Sulla responsabilità del gestore dello stadio

In this judgement brought before the “Corte di Cassazione”, the damaged person, while watching a football game, had been hit by an object thrown by an upper ring of the stadium suffering personal injury. The person asked the guardian (society) of the stadium compensation for personal injury and sued its responsibilities under articles 2043 and 2051 cc. Substantially, the decision ...
di Rosaria Giordano, Magistrato, Dottore di ricerca in Tutela giurisdizionale dei diritti, imprese ed amministrazioni nell’Uni­versità di Roma Tor Vergata.