Rivista di Diritto SportivoISSN 0048-8372 / EISSN 2784-9856
G. Giappichelli Editore
Fascicolo 2

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l CIo e il governo transnazionale dello sport

This article deals with the the governance of world sport, highlighting the transnational nature of the Olympic Movement from its origins up to this day. The author focuses on the delicate role in the governance of world sport played by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), concentrating particularly on its relations with international sports federations on the one hand and national Olympic ...
di Michele Vellano, Professore ordinario di Diritto internazionale nell’Università della Valle d’Aosta. Procuratore federale FITARCO.

La partita tra stato e regioni nell´«ordinamento sportivo»

The paper offers some comments and thoughts about the «sports order» subject matter in the Italian legal order. Moving from the sport legislation and constitutional decisions analysis, the Author reflects on the necessity, in the Italian legal order, of two different legislative powers, the State one and the Regions one, also on account of the sport legal order peculiarity.
di Alessandro Sterpa, Professore associato di Istituzioni di Diritto pubblico, Università degli Studi della Tuscia.

Scommesse sportive e rischio di manipolazione delle competizioni sportive

This article offers an overview, enriched by data and extensive bibliography, on a series of problems related to the risks of gambling addiction and sports betting and to the social consequences, both for those legal in Italy (enabled and regulated by the A.D.M Customs and Monopolies Agency), both for illegal and clandestine ones, also with respect to issues concerning taxation, controls, ...
di Riccardo Chieppa, Presidente emerito della Corte Costituzionale, Pres. on. Consiglio di Stato.

La situazione della giustizia sportiva a quattro anni dalla riforma

It’s an extensive and detailed report of the innovation introduced by the 2014 CONI reform since now. After a clarification of the evolution of the «Diritto Sportivo», there is an evaluation of the case law coming from Administrative Judge and from the Collegio di Garanzia dello Sport, so from the statal and from the sportive jurisdiction. Most of the case illustred are ...
di Mario Sanino, Avvocato amministrativista, è presidente della Camera amministrativa romana. È presidente di sezione del Collegio di Garanzia dello Sport presso il CONI.

Società calcistiche quotate e informativa al mercato

This paper analyzes the particular features of football clubs which are listed on the Italian stock market with respect to the treatment of «inside information» as provided by the Market Abuse Regulation (i.e. Regulation (EU) No 596/2014).
di Andrea Sacco Ginevri, Titolare dell’abilitazione scientifica nazionale di prima fascia in diritto dell’economia.

Associazioni sportive dilettantistiche ed enti del terzo settore

This work is related to the different taxes regime between amateur sport associations and entities of the third sector. After analyzing their own legale nature, the Author focuses on the different taxes regime between them.
di Vincenzo Bassi  Professore a contratto di diritto tributario – Lumsa; dottore di ricerca in diritto costituzionale e diritto costituzionale europeo.

Il diritto all´esenzione IVA per l´attività didattica e formativa resa dagli enti sportivi dilettantistici

The subject of the survey, article’s object, involved the VAT’s exoneration for educational activities derivated from Sport Institutes. This study aims to give a contribute for the recurring issue, regarding the request of a sum from the Non-Professional Sport Authority as for educational activity and the collocation under a fiscal regime.
di Katia Scarpa, Avvocato, dottore di ricerca in Diritto tributario. Bernardo De Stasio, Avvocato, esperto in Diritto sportivo.

Uno studente calcia la sfera da pallavolo per rimetterla in campo e colpisce un insegnante. Chi risponde?

The Italian High Supreme Court established that a student, while is playing a volleyball match during physical education at school, cannot response for damages caused to another teacher, hit in the face by the ball, if the action has the purpose to put it back in the playing field.
di Filippo Bisanti, Specializzato nelle professioni legali.

L´area d´azione del rischio consentito nello svolgimento di un´attività sportiva

This article is structured as follows. The first part provides a framework regarding the exercise of sport and the defense of assumption of risk in case of sport injuries. It then argues that the boundary line, developed by the Courts, between personal injuries and an ordinary injury with no legal consequences, is the connection with a sport competition.
di Giulia Funghi, Dottoressa in Giurisprudenza, laureata presso l’Università degli Studi di Padova. Chiara Iovino, Dottoressa in Giurisprudenza, laureata presso l’Università LUISS Guido Carli di Roma.

Autonomia dell´ordinamento sportivo e giudice amministrativo: profili critici di una ridefinizione degli equilibri

The Administrative Tribunal for Lazio has promoted an action in front of the Constitutional Court challenging a previous interpretation given by the Court on the issue of administrative tribunals’ jurisdiction over disciplinary decisions taken by the Italian sport federations (art. 2, para. 1, lett. b) of Law Decree n. 220/2003). The challenge reopens, or at least intends to do so, the ...
di Elisabetta Morlino,  Professore aggregato di Diritto amministrativo, Università degli Studi “Suor Orsola Benincasa” (Napoli).

Un limite esterno all´esercizio dell´azione disciplinare nei confronti dell´ex tesserato: luci e ombre in un caso di archiviazione nonostante la violazione dei principi di lealtà, correttezza e rettitudine morale e sportiva nell´ambito della federazione italiana motonautica

This article intends to analyze a case that actually occurred in the context of the FIM – Italian Motorboating Federation, in which a former member who made himself the author of a behavior towards the federation that did not conform to the disciplinary rules (production of untruthful documents and release of untrue declarations, aimed at obtaining the clearance to the foreign membership) ...
di Patrizio Rubechini, Dottore di ricerca in Diritto amministrativo; Cultore della Materia presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma Tre; Avvocato in Roma.

La giurisprudenza del collegio di garanzia dello sport nei suoi primi tre anni di attività

This work focuses on the most important decisions pronounced by the Sport Guarantee Committee (Collegio di Garanzia dello Sport) since 2014 until now. The aim is to analyze and describe the most important orientations that have emerged in the sport jurisprudence, trying to provide sufficient legal certainty. Some of the most important interpretative guidelines relate to the substantive law ...
di Laura Santoro, Professore ordinario nell’Università di Palermo.

Lo sport al quirinale dalla fondazione della Repubblica ai giochi di Roma

The Italian sports system, converted from the fascist model after the war, finds a solid institutional anchor in the Presidency of the Republic. The president of CONI, Onesti, thanks also to the undersecretary to the Presidency Andreotti, builds a solid relationship between CONI and the President of the Republic, which continues with both Einaudi and Gronchi. The Presidency of the Republic offers ...
di Francesco Bonini, Professore ordinario di Storia delle Istituzioni politiche e Rettore della Lumsa.