Rivista di Diritto SportivoISSN 0048-8372 / EISSN 2784-9856
G. Giappichelli Editore
Fascicolo 1

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La vittoria dello sport sui fanatismi religiosi

In this judgment the European Court of Human Rights was asked to decide whether mandatory genders mixed swimming for girls against the will of their Muslim parents who objected on religious grounds violated Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights on religious freedom. In its judgment the European Court held that there had been no violation of Article 9 (freedom of thought, conscience ...
di Stefano Bastianon,  Professore associato di Diritto dell’Unione europea nell’Università di Bergamo.

Il mandato sportivo, tra «deregulation» dell´ordinamento sportivo, normativa statale e ordinamento comunitario

This work was inspired by two last rulings of Court of Cassation, which, following consolidated juridical opinion, have focused on the issue related to the contract of sports mandate. This has allowed the author to launch a broad debate about it. More particularly, a greater focus on some aspects regarding the relation with the general and the sports sector legislation and its invalidity, without ...
di Paolo Garraffa, Avvocato, Dottore di ricerca in «Integrazione Europea, Diritto Sportivo e Globalizzazione Giuridica» presso l’Università degli studi di Palermo.

Attenuanti e responsabilità oggettiva delle società nei casi di match-fixing: stiamo sbagliando strada? Analisi dei casi novara e pro patria

This article offers an overiew on two match fixing scandals involving criminal organizations, soccer players and team managers. These cases, also known as Novara Calcio and Pro Patria, offer unique case studies to understand, in case of match fixing, the need of a better regulation regarding extenuating circumstances applicable in case of objective liability. The purpose of this essay is, at ...
di Mario Vigna, Avvocato, Vice Procuratore Capo Antidoping di NADO Italia.

Elezione alla presidenza federale successiva al secondo mandato: norme e criterî interpretativi

The article 7.2 of the CONI Fundamental Principles states, on one hand, that «the Federal President, even in the event of a second ballot, is elected by an absolute majority of the votes of the present»; and, on the other hand, that «In the case provided by art. 16, paragraph 4 «of the Melandri Decree as amended by the Pescante Decree (Legislative Decree 15/2004) – ...
di Massimo Proto, Ordinario di diritto privato nella Link Campus University di Roma.

L'iscrizione al coni è la condizione necessaria per la tassazione agevolata dei compensi erogati dalle associazioni e società sportive dilettantistiche

This article proposes to give further details about remunerations, allocated by Amateur Sports Clubs, and their treatment for tax purpose. They can benefit from the facilitated tax treatment if they pursue amateur sports purposes and if they are recognized by CONI through enrollment in the register of sports clubs; furthermore, remunerations must be paid for the direct exercise of amateur sports ...
di Francesco Saverio Verga, Dottore Commercialista – Revisore Contabile.

L'edificazione di nuovi impianti sportivi come chiave del rilancio del settore: obiettivi e risultati ottenuti dalla c.d. Legge sugli stadi

This paper analyses the edification of sports facilities, focusing its attention on the aims and results contemplated by art. 1, co. 303-306, Law n. 147/2013 (“Stadium law”) and by the Decret Law n. 50/2017.
di Federico Spanicciati, Dottorando di ricerca in diritto amministrativo presso l’Università di Roma Tre.

Gli impianti sportivi pubblici

This article deals with Italian public sports center. The author focuses on the classification of structures and management methods, highlighting n the case of «agreement management», typical relationship between the public and private operator. The author focuses attention on the subject of responsibility and exerts a distinction between the liability of sports center’s owner ...
di Valentina Porzia, Avvocato del Foro di Bari, Cultore della Materia per la cattedra di diritto sportivo presso l’Uni­versità N. Cusano e Roma Tre. Titolare della Rubrica di diritto sportivo su Borderline24.com e UniCusano Focus del Corriere dello Sport.

Principi e prassi dell´arbitrato sportivo

This work deals with the main topic related to the sports arbitration, specifically focusing on the case in wich it takes place before the Court for Spotrs Arbitration. To this purpose, the main features and functions of CAS were examined, every individual proceeding and, for each of them, the procedural and aubstantive rules. All this, considering the legislative and jurisprudential developments ...
di Alberto M. Gambino, Professore ordinario di diritto privato presso l’Università Europea di Roma.

Osservazioni sui limiti della giustizia sportiva rispetto alla giurisdizione statale

The Tar Lazio sentence deals with the issue of the limits in Sports Justice in respect to State Justice. The Judges consider that claims for damages to athletes caused by illegitimate disciplinary sanctions are admissible in the administrative courts. The court declares that claims for compensation for damages are not admissible in Sports Justice. Thus the gymnastics federation was right in ...
di Piero Sandulli, Professore ordinario di procedura civile presso l’Università di Teramo.

La giustizia sportiva in Giappone

As the internationalization and commercialization of sports further develop, disputes with regard to sports are increasing in number worldwide, and Japan is not an exception to this trend. The main outlet for sport disputes in Japan is the Japan Sports Arbitration Agency (JSAA), established in 2003 with this specific purpose. There, however, are institutions other than the JSAA for resolving ...
di Dai Yokomizo, Professore ordinario di diritto internazionale privato nell’Università di Nagoya. Giorgio Fabio Colombo, Professore associato di diritto privato comparato nell’Università di Nagoya.

Questioni al vaglio delle sezioni unite del collegio di garanzia dello sport: natura e decorrenza del termine di cui all´art. 32-ter, comma 4, del codice della giustizia sportiva figc nel procedimento disciplinare di deferimento con pluralità di indagati

It is examined the issue of the nature – peremptory or not – of deadline by art.34 ter, IV comma, of Codice di Giustizia sportiva FIGC and of the identification of dies a quo, date from which the time-limit is calculated, in case of multiple suspects on the basis of which the timeliness of arraignment can be assessed. While TFN and CFA are in contrast, the Chambers of Guaranty ...
di Maria Pia Pignalosa, Ricercatrice presso l’Università degli studi di Roma “Foro Italico”.

Il rapporto di tesseramento nel diritto sportivo. Tra documento e status

This work is inspired by two last rulings of Sport Justice, respectively the Guarantee Committee of CONI and the Federal Court of Appeal FIB, that, although related to different aspects, have concentrated on the specificities of the «status» of registed and membership. In one case, the matter related to the possibility of submitting the non registered athlete to the federal justice ...
di Vittorio Occorsio, Notaio in Roma e Ricercatore di Diritto Privato – Università Telematica Pegaso.

La rivista di diritto sportivo nella temperie culturale dell´italia repubblicana

Multiplicity of legal systems, compensation of damages for the breach of right to credit, qualification of the Totocalcio contract, but also construction of sports facilities, participation in the Olympics, guidelines for professional sport events both locally and nationally: the interdisciplinary debate on these and many other issues merged in CONI’s «Rivista di diritto ...
di Antonio Cappuccio, Ricercatore di «Storia del diritto medievale e moderno» nell’Università degli Studi di Messina.